ISSN: 1612-9059 (Print) 1612-9067 (Online)
Publication Notice: Japanese Classification of Esophageal cancer, 12th edition (English)
Japanese Classification of Esophageal cancer, 12th edition (English) was published.
It's an open access article and you can browse and download it freely.
Please refer it when submitting to scientific journals.
Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer, 12th Edition: part I
(DOI: -
Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer, 12th Edition: part II
Publication Notice: Esophageal cancer practice guidelines 2022 edited by the Japan esophageal society(English)
Esophageal cancer practice guidelines 2022 edited by the Japan esophageal society (English) was published.
It's an open access article and you can browse and download it freely.
Please refer it when submitting to scientific journals.
Esophageal cancer practice guidelines 2022 edited by the Japan esophageal society: part 1
(DOI: -
Esophageal cancer practice guidelines 2022 edited by the Japan Esophageal Society: part 2
Publication Notice: Japanese Classification of Esophageal cancer, 11th edition (English)
Japanese Classification of Esophageal cancer, 11th edition (English) was published as online first.
It's an open access article and you can browse and download it freely.
Please refer it when submitting to scientific journals.